
Personalized Coaching:


Directional Dive Discovery

Imagine a life where your health isn’t just a goal, it’s a reality. Tired of feeling stuck? This 45-minute session is your breakthrough. We’ll delve deep into your unique challenges, uncover hidden obstacles, and unlock your inner strength. Together, we’ll create a personalized “stop & go” plan, a roadmap to navigate challenges with ease and celebrate every victory.


Finding Your Formula

Ready to unlock your optimal health? Our signature 90-minute “Finding Your Formula” session is your first step toward lasting wellness. During this transformative consultation, we’ll dive deep into your unique health journey, exploring your goals and uncovering the ‘why’ that drives your commitment to change.


Metabolic Makeover

This experience is designed to empower you to revitalize your health and overall well-being, achieving lasting transformation through tailored nutrition, exercise, tracking, lifestyle strategies to include cooking demonstrations, pantry purge and shopping spree. Say goodbye to energy slumps, boost your metabolism, and unlock your full potential as you embark on a comprehensive metabolic makeover created to make you feel confident, vibrant, and empowered.

No diet pills, no shots, no injections, no juicing, no sprays, no prepackaged diet foods, no surgery, no drops, no points, no excessive exercise, NO DEPRIVATION!!!